Cheshire County DX ARC |
July 19, 2008
Fox Hunt Rules
Fox Hunting by amateur radio operators has been
going on for quite some time. Fox Hunting on a regular basis is a way for us to
become and remain proficient in Radio Direction Finding (RDF) which can be used
to help find lost individuals, aircraft crashes, malicious interference, etc.
Take this time to learn some of the best ways to accomplish this task and have
some fun doing it.
All appropriate means will be used to announce scheduling of the
“hunt”, such as traffic nets, e-mail lists, web page notification, etc. The
more participating, the more fun all will have!
The Police Department in each town that we might be hunting
in should be notified of our activities, if our presence in the hunt area may
draw ‘suspicious persons’ calls.
The Fox Coordinator will be informed of the names of all
the hunters at the start of the hunt. If any hunter abandons the hunt, they
shall notify the Fox on the coordination frequency 146.805- pl 100.0, K1TQY, or
designated repeater for the area of the hunt. ___________MHz pl __________
The majority of hunters at the starting point MUST hear the
hidden transmitter.
There may be hunter teams, but each team must travel in the
same means of conveyance together and will only converse with each other in
person, not over a radio. Different teams will not converse or coordinate with
each other during the hunt.
6. Except for difficulties with the hidden transmitter apparatus, reporting of participants to the Fox Coordinator shall begin promptly at the announced start time and place. The hunt shall run until all the hunters are checked in or for a maximum of 2 ˝ hours. At the end of 2 hours, the Fox will attempt to contact any lost hunters on 146.805-, or appropriate repeater frequency, and the Fox frequency, and give them some clues so they can get into the area of the Fox. The Fox Coordinator will not give clues until the announced 2-hour time limit has expired. At the expiration of the hunting time (2 ˝ hours), the Fox Coordinator and hunters may, at their choice, meet at an agreed upon location to discuss the “thrills of the hunt”.
7. During the hunt, the hunters/hunter teams will not communicate with each other or the Fox Coordinator, except as allowed by the rules. However, if a hunter cannot hear the Fox for a reasonable time at the beginning of the hunt, the hunter may call on the hunt coordination frequency for help from the Fox Coordinator. The Fox Coordinator should not tell when the hunters have found the Fox. Let everyone be able to hunt as if they can still find the Fox first.
The hidden transmitter shall be located within
The hidden transmitter shall cycle with a minimum of 30
seconds transmission every 5 minutes. The hidden transmitter shall not change
antennas, antenna height, frequency, or location during the course of the hunt.
Power level shall remain constant. Antenna may not be rotated and polarization
shall remain constant. The suggested Fox frequency is 147.540 MHz, the
The hidden transmitter and antennas shall not be located
within a building, nor shall the hunters be required to pass through a building
to get to the Fox. Nor shall the hunters be required to enter or pass through
property, which is only accessible, by paying a fee.
The hidden transmitter or antenna should be within 6 feet
of ground level and will not be buried below the grade of the earth. The hidden
transmitter shall not be hidden in a location that constitutes a hazard to the
hunters. Keep out of poison ivy. Consideration should be given to the general
safety of the immediate area.
The Fox Coordinator is responsible for the selection of the
hidden transmitter location (within
The Fox Coordinator shall keep an accurate account of the
starting time of the hunt, and the time and placement each hunter comes in. The
Fox Coordinator shall also record the mileage of each hunter (If a mileage type
hunt, there must be some means developed before the hunt to address the
difference in odometer accuracy on vehicles.).
To constitute a find of the Fox, the hunter must remove a
numbered tag from either the hidden transmitter, its antenna system, or other
item nearby, and report in person to the Fox Coordinator. Each Fox will have
tags; take the lowest numbered tag. The hunter's elapsed time will include time
taken to report.
The winner of the hunt will get first choice to place the
Fox at the next hunt.
The Fox Coordinator MUST announce any changes from these
rules, at the start time.
17. All Fox Hunting individuals/teams will abide by all appropriate rules of the road and be safe in all aspects of the hunt. Penalties for improper behavior are at the discretion of the Fox Coordinator.
Contact Arnie - N1BAC for details!
These rules were developed and updated on March 16, 2006 by Arnie Johnson, N1BAC. A copy of the most up-to-date rules can also be found on as well as the date and location of the next “hunt”. The web page coordinator is Joel Huntley, WA1ZYX.
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Sunday, July 06, 2008