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Alinco DR-735 Out-Of-Band mods

Mods By:

Joel Huntley - WA1ZYX
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This page describes what needs to be done to modify the Alinco DR-735 radios for Out-Of-Band frequency entry.

This page will describe how to modify the Alinco DR-735 radio for out-of-band transmission.

My disclaimer is: Complete this mod AT YOUR OWN RISK! I claim NO responsibility for your actions!

Further, you may only transmit on frequencies that you are authorized and/or licensed to use!

Jumper Location

Now do the following:

1) Remove the bottom cover of the radio by removing 8 screws.

2) With the front panel along the right side, locate the blue jumper which will be in the upper right corner of the circuit board.

3) Cut the blue jumper.

4) Insulate the ends of the jumper so they won't short back together or against any components or the case.

5) Replace the back cover of the radio.

6) Power up the radio and do a complete reset. This is accomplished by turning on the radio by pressing PWR key while pressing MW, H/L and * (star) key together. See "All Reset" on page 75 of the manual.

I would recommend you perform this mod before you do a lot of programming as the all reset step will erase everything.







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December 29, 2022